Online marketing is the only way to get your website noticed in the cyber world. There millions of websites vying for users’ attention, and without property internet marketing techniques, there is no way to rise above your competitors. Search engine optimization has made this process easier for many companies. On any given search engine query, a results page will generate an average of a million results. If your website is not at the top of the research engine results page (SERP), your site will likely fall by the wayside because about 75 percent of users never look past the first page of a SERP to get what they are looking for. With more than 100 billion searches conducted every month on sites Continue reading “Free Advice on SEO for Your Website”
Month: December 2013
A Look at the Importance of Internet Marketing
There are many interesting and informative facts that you may need to know when putting together an Internet marketing plan. First of all, why do you need such a plan? Most business owners today are turning to the Internet for additional sources of business. This is usually done through creating a website. However, just creating a website and putting it on the web will not create a successful online sales site. You will need to embrace search engine optimization as part of your total Internet marketing plan.
SEO efforts will help your website gain higher search engine rankings so that potential customers can find your site. One of the main search engines is Google, which has some interesting history. During the tim Continue reading “A Look at the Importance of Internet Marketing”